My Story

Hi! I’m Rick. I love gardening and I love gardening in Colorado. I have lived in the Castle Rock area for 30 years and have mastered the art of growing a beautiful and fruitful garden in Colorado. Year after year we live off our garden from spring through fall. Growing a garden in Colorado was challenging and sometimes frustrating but now every year, I grow with great success. And You can too!

My passion for gardening started when I would visit my grandparents in Kentucky every summer. They had an amazing 1/2 acre garden. You could say that’s probably when I got bit by the “garden bug.” Now years later, I would call myself a garden addict and my family and friends all agree! I can’t get enough of growing our own delicious and healthy food in our backyard garden. Of course, I can’t resist beautiful flowers either-flowers that attract pollinators and also beneficial insects that take care of those nasty bugs we don’t want in our garden.

So, now after living in Castle Rock for almost 30 years I want to help others in the area be successful in growing their own food just like I have.

You can do it and it’s NOT HARD!

Happy Gardening, Rick